Friday, April 20, 2012

Better Eyebrows?

Iv'e never been one to over tweeze, but latley iv'e been searching for a product to help my eyebrows look more defined due to their light color. I couldn't count the number of times that I bough different colored eyeshadows, angled brushes, and lastly eyebrow pencils. So I decided to take a trip to the mall to see the Benefit makeup eyebrow specialist(: I asked her "what could I use to fill in my brows so they look more defined?" I have already done some browsing around on the enternet for high end eyebrow products. But since I have already tried so many in the past, why was I willing to spend much more on a product that I have never even tried or heard anyone I knew use it? I guess you could call it "taking a chance." Any ways, she instantly showed me two of their eyebrow products, I was fimiliar with both already. Benefit's Instant Brow, and Brow-Zings. I told her I wasn't too comfortable with the brow powder product. So she picked the Instant Brow in shade Medium. Ideal for my hair color, and oddly my skin? I don't know? But either way I was really suprised of how "Natural" they looked. And how different it made my face look. FINALLY! A product that didn't make me look like a freak with abnormally dark brows. I was so impressed, I even bought another  product that day. The second was benefit's High Brow. A luminious pinky tone highlighter for highlighing your brow bone. The results were amazing than just applying the pencil alone. So the cost in the end for both products was around $40.00. Alot I know, but totally worth it in the end:D